How do I sign up for rent payment via Betalingsservice?

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With a Betalingsservice agreement, your rent is automatically deducted on time every month.

If you have been notified by BoligPortal that you need to set up an automatic rent payment for your rental, it is because your landlord collects rent through BoligPortal's rent collection tool.

All you need to do is sign up for the agreement in your online banking or via the link sent to you by SMS or email.


How to sign up for Betalingsservice: 

If you follow the link in the email

  1. Click the red button that says 'Tilmeld betalingsaftale


  2. You will be taken to a form on Betalingsservice. Here, you need to enter your CPR number, registration number, and account number. The remaining fields are pre-filled. 
  3. Check the box below to accept the terms of the agreement and click 'Tilmeld aftale' (sign up for agreement). 


Sign up in your online bank

  1. Log in to your online bank and add a recurring payment via Betalingsservice. 

  2. Enter the PBS number, debtor group number (deb. gr. nr.) and customer number (kundenr.) provided in the message from BoligPortal. 

  3. Follow the steps required in your specific online bank to complete the registration. If you're unsure how to sign up for a Betalingsservice agreement in your online bank, you should contact your bank. 





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