How do I change my automatic rent collection from MobilePay to manual bank transfer?

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If you want to switch from using BoligPortal's automatic rent collection with MobilePay to using manual rent reconciliation with a bank transfer, you need to delete the existing collection and create a new one.

When you choose bank transfer, the tenant's rent payments will no longer be automatically recorded in BoligPortal's rent management. Instead, you will need to check if the payment has been received in your account and then manually mark the rent as paid on BoligPortal.

In this way, you still get the same clear overview of completed payments and outstanding payments.

If you prefer to keep automatic payment and reconciliation, you can switch from MobilePay to Betalingsservice instead.


How to switch to manual bank transfer

  1. Select the 'Tenancies' field in the blue menu in your BoligPortal user profile, and click on the tenant for whom you want to change the rent collection.

  2. Select the tab 'Rent

  3. Click 'Stop collection of rent'. After this, you need to specify the date when the last MobilePay payment should be processed. Finish by selecting 'Stop collection of rent'. 

  4. Click 'Start rent again'.      

  5. Select the dot next to 'Manual bank transfers'  
  6. Check if all information regarding amounts, payment dates, and tenant details is correct
  7. Click on 'Save rent setup' at the bottom of the page. 






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