If you have purchased your BoligPortal subscription directly through our app on your Android phone or tablet, your subscription runs directly through your Google Play account.
If you purchased your subscription through the app, you have clicked 'Buy subscription' within the app as shown below.
This means that you also need to cancel your subscription through this channel if you no longer wish to have it. BoligPortal does not have access to cancel the subscription for you.
If you're unsure about how to cancel your subscription on your Android device, we recommend referring to Google's own guide on canceling a subscription purchased through an app or the Google Play Store.
Important regarding automatic renewal:
If you have subscribed through the Google Play Store, please be aware that according to Google's cancellation policy, the subscription will be renewed 24 hours before the renewal date, as indicated in the terms shown at the time of purchase. These are Google's terms for in-app subscription purchases, and BoligPortal has no influence or capability to cancel the subscription for you.