Note: This is an article about BoligPortal's free service for creating and managing rental contracts, which is currently available in Danish. Therefore, images and some phrasing in this guide may appear in Danish. If you have any questions or need assistance with your rental contracts, you're always welcome to contact BoligPortal's Customer Service.
If you or your prospective tenant cannot find the email with the link to sign the contract, you can always cancel the signature request and then resend the rental contract for signature.
How to cancel a sent rental contract:
- Log in to and go to your profile
- Click on 'Rental contracts' / 'Lejekontrakter' in the right side of the screen.
Please notice that the language of the website will now switch to Danish.
- Click on the 'Afventer underskrift' tab and then 'Gå til oversigt' next to the contract you want to withdraw.
- Click on the red button 'Annuller anmodning'
The tenant will receive a text message and an email notifying them that the signature request has been cancelled.
How to resend the rental contract
- Go to 'Kladder' and click 'Udfyld' on the rental contract you want to resend.
It's a good idea to check if the tenant's email is correctly listed under the 'Lejer' section.
- If all the information is fine, you can click 'Send til underskrift'.
All parties will receive a new email and text message that the rental contract is ready to be signed.
Remember to check the spam folder
If the tenant still hasn't received the email, please ask them to check their spam folder. Still need help? Click here to contact BoligPortal's customer service.