When your rent payment is set up for automatic payment with MobilePay, the rent amount will automatically be collected every month/quarter. This means you don't need to swipe on the app each time the rent is due.
Your landlord can choose whether the collection should be made on the 1st or 15th of each month or each quarter.
If the payment date coincides with a public holiday, weekend, or grundlovsdag (Danish constitution day), the payment date will be moved to the next business day after the original payment date.
View upcoming payments in the MobilePay app
In your MobilePay app, you can keep track of the payment agreement and see how much you will be charged for the following month/quarter. This also applies if your landlord has adjusted the rent, added one-time charges, etc.
You can view your upcoming rent payments in your MobilePay app by clicking on 'Activities' and then 'Recurring payments'