Where do I find my moving inspection report?

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This is an article about BoligPortal's free service for conducting and managing moving inspection reports, which is currently available in Danish. Therefore, images and some phrasing in this guide may appear in Danish. 

If you have any questions or need assistance with your moving inspection reports, you're always welcome to contact BoligPortal's Customer Service

As a landlord, you can always find your upcoming, ongoing, and completed moving reports on your BoligPortal profile or in BoligPortal's free moving inspection app.

Learn more about the Moving Inspection App here, and download it to your Android eller IOS device. 

Are you a tenant? When your landlord uses BoligPortal for move-in and move-out inspections, you, as a tenant, will automatically receive an email with a link to download the move-in inspection report. We recommend that you download and save the report.


How to access your moving reports on BoligPortal.dk


  1. Log in to your profile in the top right corner of BoligPortal.dk and click on 'Flyttesyn' (Moving Inspection) in the menu
    You can open the drop-down menu by clicking on your name

  2. Find the desired moving inspection on the list, and then click on the address to open the inspection
    If there are many addresses on the list, you can use the search field or sort your inspections using the tabs below the search field:

    'Kommende' (Upcoming) = Prepared inspections for upcoming, unplanned inspections
    '24 dages fejl og mangler' (14 days defects and deficiencies) = Ongoing inspections
    'Afsluttede' (Completed) = Completed inspections where the final report has been prepared

  3. You are now inside the report, where you can download or view the report
    In the box labeled 'Alle dokumenter' you can open and download the report in PDF format by clicking on 'Se flytterapport (pdf)'.

    You can also download a comprehensive list of all defects and deficiencies, as well as a repair list that you can send to the individuals responsible for fixing or addressing significant defects and deficiencies.

    Alle dokumenter - se flytterapport, fejl- og mangelliste og udbedringsliste.png

    Your tenant will automatically receive an email with a link to a similar page for tenants. The tenant will only be able to view the inspection overview and download the documents. They won't have access to your profile or the ability to make changes.

    If the tenant wants to have the link to this page resent, you can easily find the link and send it directly in the 'Link til deling' box.

    Link til deling.png


To access your moving reports in the App, please follow these steps:


  1. Open the app on your phone or tablet and log in using your email and password
    It's important to use the same email that you use to log in to www.boligportal.dk to ensure your moving reports appear in the app.

    After that, the procedure is the same as from step 2 in the guide mentioned above.

    Se og åben dine flyttesyn i Flyttesyns Appen.png

Does another person need access to your moving inspection reports?

If another person, such as a janitor, inspection representative, or property manager, needs access to your move-out reports, they can always open your reports in their app via a link.



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