Why can't the tenant report defects and deficiencies in the moving inspec?

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This is an article about BoligPortal's free service for conducting and managing moving inspection reports, which is currently available in Danish. Therefore, images and some phrasing in this guide may appear in Danish. 

If you have any questions or need assistance with your moving inspection reports, you're always welcome to contact BoligPortal's Customer Service

If you find that your tenant cannot or has not received a link to report defects and deficiencies for your moving inspection, it could be due to several reasons.

This article is based on BoligPortal's inspection tool and its accompanying app. If you do not use this feature, you will need to arrange with the tenant how the reporting should be done.

Check that the function is enabled

First and foremost, check that you have enabled the collection of defects and deficiencies when you created the inspection report on BoligPortal.

If this feature is not enabled, the tenant will not receive a notification link for reporting defects and deficiencies when the moving inspection is completed.

You can activate this feature on your profile under 'Inspections reports' (Flyttesyn), then select the specific inspection from the list. Afterward, you need to check the box labeled 'Indhent fejl og mangler fra lejer' (Collect defects and deficiencies from the tenant) under 'Detaljer om synet' (Details about the inspection).


Check that the reporting period is active

When you create an inspection report through BoligPortal and activate the 'Collect defects and deficiencies' field as mentioned above, you need to specify the date and time when the 14-day reporting period will begin. This is typically the date when the tenant takes over the rental property.

The tenant's 14-day reporting period will start precisely at this time.

Note: If the 14-day defects and deficiencies reporting period starts before the moving inspection – for example, if the inspection takes place a few days after the tenant's move-in date – the tenant will receive an email with a link to the tenant portal where they can report defects and deficiencies only after the moving inspection has been completed and all parties have signed. However, the reporting period will have already started.

The tenant can report defects and deficiencies for exactly 14 days, starting from the time specified in the moving inspection.


How to check if the reporting period is active

As a landlord, you can always check if the 14-day reporting period has begun under 'Inspection reports' (Flyttesyn). The relevant inspection will appear under the '14 dages fejl og mangler' tab, along with any other active moving inspections you may have.


As a tenant, you can check the status of the reporting period in the tenant portal, which you will receive a link to after signing the inspection report.

Are you still experiencing issues?

If your tenant is still having issues reporting issues and defects, please contact BoligPortal's customer service so we can investigate the issue further.



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