When you move into a rental property, it's a very good idea to document all defects and deficiencies that were present at the time of move-in so that you don't risk financial liability for them when you move out. This should be done in writing within 14 days of taking over the rental property.
If your landlord uses BoligPortal's digital move-in inspection tool, it's easy for you as a tenant to document all defects and deficiencies. In this guide, we'll show you how.
Note: BoligPortal's move-in inspection tool is currently only available in Danish. Therefore, you may experience that the process in this guide is conducted in Danish. If you need assistance, you are always welcome to contact BoligPortal's customer service.
How to report defects and deficiencies through BoligPortal as a tenant
You will automatically receive an email and SMS with a link to report defects and deficiencies. You will receive these when your 14-day reporting period begins, which is from the date you (according to the lease agreement) take over the rental property.
Example of a started reporting advisory by email and SMS
To report an issue or deficiency, click on 'Indrapportér mangler' (Report Deficiencies) in the email or the link in the SMS.
When you click on the button or link, a page opens where you can digitally add issues and deficiencies to your rental unit by clicking 'Tilføj fejl/mangler' (Add issues/deficiencies). We strongly recommend that you include a description of the issue and document it by adding pictures.
You have the entire 14-day period to report issues, so you can access the reporting portal as needed during this time. You can always see the date and time when the reporting period expires.
Once you have reported an issue or a defect, you will receive an email confirmation that it has been added to the report.
Note: When using BoligPortal's system to report issues and defects as a tenant, you will receive a separate email for each individual issue or defect you report in the system. These emails serve as your confirmation that the issue has been registered and documented.
All reported issues and defects will also be visible as you create them.
When the reporting period expires, you will automatically receive a message with a link to the comprehensive list of reported issues and defects in the rental property.
Your landlord will also automatically receive the list, so you don't need to forward it.
If you have specific questions regarding issues and defects in your rental property, you should contact your landlord directly. If you need assistance with the reporting, you are always welcome to contact BoligPortal's customer service. We are here to help every day of the year.