How do I contact the landlord on BoligPortal?

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If you are interested in a property on BoligPortal, you can contact the landlord by clicking the 'Contact' button. You need an active subscription to BoligPortal to be able to contact landlords.

If the landlord has chosen to include their phone number in the listing, you can also contact them this way. You can see if the landlord has added their phone number if there is a gray box below the 'Contact' button displaying the landlord's phone number.

See landlords phone number on ad in contact box.png


How to contact a landlord on BoligPortal

  1. Go to the property listing you are interested in and click on 'Contact'.Click on Contact Button.pngIf the landlord has added their phone number to the listing, you can click on it to call directly. The number is only visible if it has been provided below the 'Contact' button.

  2. Choose the subscription plan you prefer and click on 'Pay'.
    You can select the payment period that suits you best. All plans are non-binding and can be canceled at any time within the current period.

    Read more about how to cancel your subscription here.

  3. Log in to your BoligPortal profile, or create a new one if you don’t have one.
    To create a new profile, fill in the required fields. If you already have a profile, simply click on 'Already a user? Log in here'.

  4. Choose your preferred payment method and complete the purchase.
    You will receive both a purchase confirmation on the screen and a receipt via email. The receipt will include the exact time when your subscription will automatically renew. If you do not wish to continue as a subscriber, just remember to cancel your subscription before that time.

  5. You can now send a message to the landlord.
    The better the message you send, the higher the chance of being invited to a viewing and chosen as a tenant.

    Read our tips for a great application here.


You can always view your messages in the inbox by clicking on the envelope icon or on 'Messages' in the top right corner. When the landlord replies, you will automatically receive an email.

Read more about how to get a subscription for BoligPortal right here.



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