I'm experiencing issues with the BoligPortal app. What should I do?

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If you experience issues with BoligPortal's app, we always recommend trying the following solutions on your own before contacting us.

If you're unable to log in to the app because you are attempting to log in via Facebook Connect, you can find the solution here.

  • Log out of your user profile on the BoligPortal app, wait a moment, and try logging in again.
  • Update the BoligPortal app on your phone or tablet.
  • Restart your phone or tablet and open the BoligPortal app again.
  • Completely remove the app from your phone or tablet by uninstalling it, and then download it again from your chosen app store.

If you still encounter challenges with the app after trying the solutions, feel free to contact our Customer Service


BoligPortal App Mobil.png

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