Why are the special terms (§ 11) not included in the rental contract itself, but as a separate appendix to the contract?

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Note: BoligPortal's free service for creating and managing rental contracts is currently available in Danish. Therefore, images and some phrasing in this guide may appear in Danish. If you have any questions or need assistance please contact BoligPortal's Customer Service.

When you use BoligPortal's digital rental contract to fill out your contract, the special terms (§ 11) will normally be included within the rental contract itself. 

If you have added many terms to the rental contract, or if you have added your own §11, the list of special terms may become too long to be included within the rental contract itself. 

In the case that the rental contract does not have space for your special terms, the rental contract section '§ 11 Særlige vilkår' will look as follows. 

Instead of the terms, the following text will appear: "Indholdet i denne lejekontrakts § 11 fremgår af et særskilt tillæg til lejekontrakt." ("The content of § 11 of this rental contract it outlined in a separate appendix to the rental contract")


Where is the appendix with the special terms?

The appendix with your special terms will be placed after the annex with guidance for the rental contract. See the example below where the appendix is located on page 15.

It has no impact on the validity of the special terms that they are in a separate appendix.

The rental contract is therefore fully legally binding whether § 11 is included as an appendix or within the rental contract A10 itself. 









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