How do I set up a Betalingsservice agreement with BoligPortal as the data provider?

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On BoligPortal, you can automate your rent collection by linking Betalingsservice (Danish Payment Service) to your rents. This minimizes the effort and reduces the risk of oversights for you as a landlord, ensuring timely payment every month.

To collect rent through Betalingsservice, you need to have an active Betalingsservice agreement with BoligPortal as the data provider.

Does your company already have a Betalingsservice agreement??

If you or your company already have set up a Betalingsservice agreement, you can skip this step. Instead, you need to link BoligPortal as a data provider to your existing agreement.

Read how to link your existing agreement to BoligPortal here.


How to create a Betalingsservice agreement with BoligPortal as data provider

Note: You need to have an FI-advice through PBS/Nets before you can enroll your company to Betalingsservice. If you don't have it, you need to contact your bank and request them to set it up before proceeding.

Tilmelding til Betalingsservice.png

  1. Start the registration process by opening the Betalingsservice Service Portal
    The Portal is only available in Danish

  2. Click on 'Opret aftale' (Create Agreement) and log in with a danish MitID.
    The MitID you use must be approved for business use.

  3. Proceed to 'Virksomhedsoplysninger' (Company Information) and fill in the fields It's important to enter the details of your company's primary contact person.

    P-number: Betalingsservice automatically retrieves the p-number from the CVR register. If you have multiple p-numbers, you need to select the correct one from the list.. 

  4. Proceed to 'Ejerforhold' (Ownership) and fill in the fields
    It's important to enter the details of the actual owner(s) of the company as registered in the CVR register.

    Note: You need to use the owner's CPR (Social Security) number during the input.

  5. Proceed to 'Underskriver' (Signatory) and specify an authorized signatory for the agreement

  6. Proceed to 'Vælg produkt' (Select Product), check the box 'Betalingsservice med indbetalingskort', and fill in the remaining fields
    This product allows you to perform automatic collections via BoligPortal.

    FI-kreditornummer: This was provided by your bank when you created your BS agreement.

  7. Proceed to 'Øvrige oplysninger' (Other information) and fill in the fields
    In the 'Payment on non-banking days' field, select 'Efterfølgende bankdag' (Following banking day).

  8. Proceed to 'Dataudveksling med Betalingsservice' (Data Exchange) and indicate BoligPortal as the data provider.
    Here, it's important to choose the option 'Virksomhed/forening bruger anden samarbejdspartner/administrator' (Company/association uses another partner/administrator)

    Dataleverandørnr: Enter the CVR number for BoligPortal A/S (26722535)
    dataleverandør: Enter BoligPortal A/S

  9. Proceed to 'Fakturering' (Invoicing) and fill in the fields
    You need to provide your account information for your settlement account – and optionally, a fee account – select the pricing model you desire, and indicate your preferred way to receive invoices.

    If you have more than 2000 automatic collections per year, it is most cost-effective to choose 'Med abonnement' (With subscription).

  10. Finally, proceed to 'Supplerende oplysninger og dokumentation' (Supplementary Information and Documentation) and insert the following text.
    It's important that the text is inserted exactly as it appears in this box:

    - Daglige 602 med alle transtyper
    - Løbende 603 med til- og afgange
    - Daglig 621
    - Daglig udveksling af alle typer 605-leverancer med til- og afmelding af BS-aftaler

  11. Sign and complete the setup by following the instructions for either digital or analog signature

Once you have received confirmation from Betalingsservice that your BS agreement with BoligPortal as a data provider is ready, you can associate the BS agreement with your rent collection through BoligPortal using the guide provided below.



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