You do not need a CPR number to sign the digital rental contract via BoligPortal.
The CPR number is only used for automatic electricity registration through the rental contract. To sign the rental contract without a CPR number, you must opt out of electricity registration.
Here is a guide on how to proceed with the rental contract in the two cases where a CPR number is requested.
1. If the landlord has chosen an electricity company for you: Contact your landlord

If your landlord has registered you with an electricity company, as shown in the image above, your landlord needs to make changes to the rental contract before you can sign.
Contact your landlord and ask them to cancel the signature request
The landlord needs to edit the rental contract: In the section 'Forbrug' (Utilities), the landlord should select 'Lejer selv er ansvarlig for tilmelding til el' (Tenant is responsible for registering for electricity).
The landlord must then resend the rental contract to you for signature.
- Upon receiving the revised rental contract, you will be prompted to choose an electricity company yourself. Click 'Don't sign me up' and proceed to the rental contract (read more in guide 2 below).
2. If you are asked to choose an electricity company
If the landlord, through the rental contract, has asked you to choose an electricity company yourself, you must opt out of the suggested electricity providers. After that, you will not be asked to provide a CPR number and can proceed directly to the rental contract.
Click on 'Show other options' (Vis andre muligheder') under the list of electricity providers
- Choose 'Don't sign me up'
- Click the 'Continue' button to proceed to your rental contract.
You can then contact an electricity company yourself to manually register for an electricity agreement at your new address.