Yes, you must pay taxes on your rental income if you rent out a property and receive payment for it. Rental income is considered personal income, and therefore, it must be included in your tax return, and you must pay taxes on it. However, how you are taxed depends on various factors, such as the type of rental and any expenses you may have.
We refer you to the Skattestyrelsen's website for further information. (Danish Tax Agency)
Does BoligPortal automatically report my rental income to the Danish Tax Agency (Skattestyrelsen)?
No, BoligPortal does not automatically report your rental income to the Danish Tax Agency (Skattestyrelsen). As a landlord, it is your responsibility to ensure that your rental income is properly reported on your tax return.
BoligPortal serves solely as a platform for finding and managing properties. We do not have access to your financial information or income streams, unlike some vacation rental agencies, and therefore cannot automatically provide information to the Tax Agency beyond the basic deduction.
Note: The content on this page should not be considered as legal advice.
If you require legal or financial assistance, you should consult with a qualified lawyer, accountant, or financial advisor.