Where can I find the contract for my rental property?

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When you, as the landlord, use BoligPortal's free tool to create, sign, and manage digital rental contracts, you can always access them in your user profile under the 'Rental Contracts' tab.

Here, you will get a complete overview of which of your contracts are in draft format, not yet signed, and signed.


How to find your rental contracts as a landlord

  1. Log in to your BoligPortal profile and go to the 'Rental Contracts' tab on your profile.
    Go to Rental Contracts on your profile .png
    Note: From this step, your page will appear in Danish. This is because our rental contract tools are only available in Danish to ensure legal validity.

  2. Find the desired rental contract and click on ' til oversigt
    Se oversigt over alle lejekontrakter og gå til oversigt.png
    You will now enter the Tenant Portal for this rental property. Here, you will get a complete overview of the contractual details of the rental agreement, including a history of creation and signatures, as well as the specific rental contract and any associated attachments.

  3. Go to the 'Alle dokumenter' section and click on the rental contract to open it
    Find og download din lejekontrakt her.png

Note: BoligPortal's free service for creating and managing rental contracts is currently available in Danish. Therefore, images and some phrasing in this guide may appear in Danish. If you have any questions or need assistance please contact BoligPortal's Customer Service.


My tenant is requesting a copy of the rental contract. What should I do?

Refer the tenant to their Tenant Hub
When your tenant signed the rental contract, they automatically received a link to their personal Tenant Hub, where all relevant documents are available — including the signed rental contract. If your tenant requests a copy, you can start by referring them there.

You can read more about how the tenant can find their rental contract right here.

Send a copy to your tenant
Alternatively, you can always find the signed rental contract on your own profile under 'Rental Contracts,' as shown in this guide. Simply click on the rental contract under 'Alle dokumenter,' download it to your computer, and then send it to your tenant.
Find lejekontrakten under Alle dokumenter.png

I have accidentally deleted a rental contract. What should I do?

When you delete a rental contract from your BoligPortal profile, it is unfortunately a permanent action that cannot be undone. This means that we cannot restore a deleted contract or retrieve it in any other way.

We therefore always recommend that you save a copy of all your legal documents locally on your computer.

Read more about deleting rental contracts on BoligPortal here.

Can I edit a signed rental contract?

No, once a rental contract is signed, it cannot be edited.

If you wish to make corrections to an already signed rental contract, you can instead cancel the current contract and create a new one.

Read more about your options for adding corrections to rental contracts here.




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