Note: BoligPortal's free service for creating and managing rental contracts is currently available in Danish. Therefore, images and some phrasing in this guide may appear in Danish. If you have any questions or need assistance please contact BoligPortal's Customer Service.
If you used BoligPortal's tool to create rental contracts before it was integrated into BoligPortal's own website, the rental contract is still available to you.
The rental contract builder became a part of BoligPortal's own site in June 2021, and if you created a rental contract before then, it will have been moved to a separate tab under 'Lejekontrakter' on your BoligPortal user profile.
How to find your contract from BoligPortal's previous rental contract builder
- Log into, and go to your profile
- Click on 'Lejekontrakter' in the blue menu on the left
- Click on the tab 'Fra tidligere version'.
You will now see all the rental contracts that you have created in the previous version of BoligPortal's rental contract builder.
- Click on 'Dokumenter' next to each contract to view the actual rental contract.
If you try to duplicate a rental contract from the previous version, you will receive the following message:
Rental contracts created in the previous version can only be downloaded as a file.
It is not possible to duplicate these or access the overview of the rental contract.
Furthermore, it is only possible to find signed rental contracts from the previous version. Drafts have been removed and cannot be restored.