How do I create and fill out a rental contract on BoligPortal?

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This guide will walk you through creating and completing every section of BoligPortal’s free digital rental contract builder, step by step.

You can fill out the digital rental contract on your computer, smartphone, or tablet. Once all the information is entered, the contract builder automatically inserts it into the correct Typeformular A10.

Both the tenant and landlord will receive the completed digital rental contract via email, ready to be signed using MitID or directly on your screen.

Note: This guide aims to provide instructions on using BoligPortal's digital rental contract. The content is intended as guidance, and you should consult a lawyer if you need assistance with legal matters.


Content of this guide:

Create the rental contract 

Fill out the rental contract 

1. Generelt (general)

2. Husleje (rent)

3. Forbrug (utilities

4. Betalinger før indflytning (payments before move-in)

5. Adgang, vedligehold og inventar (access, maintenance and inventory)

6. Bilag og øvrige (attachments and other)

7. Særlige vilkår §11 (special terms)

8. Udlejer (landlord)

9.  Lejer (tenant)

10.  Gennemse og færdiggør (review and finalize)


Note: BoligPortal's free service for creating and managing rental contracts is currently available in Danish. Therefore, images and some phrasing in this guide may appear in Danish. If you have any questions or need assistance please contact BoligPortal's Customer Service.


Create a free digital rental contract

  1. Log in to your BoligPortal account in your browser and go to your profile
    Please note that it is not possible to create and fill out digital rental contracts in the BoligPortal app. 

  2. Select the option 'Lejekontrakter' (rental contracts) in the blue menu bar on the left. 

  3. Click the blue button labeled  '+ Opret lejekontrakt - gratis' (create rental contract - free)

  4. Click '+ Opret lejemål' (create rentable) on the right side. 

  5. Enter the address in the search field.
    BoligPortal will automatically retrieve the property's BBR information, including type, area, and the number of rooms. You can edit this information if it is incorrect or if you only want to rent out a room in the property, for example.

    Note: Once you have created a rental contract for an address, you cannot edit the address. Make sure the address is correct before proceeding. If you accidentally enter or select the wrong address, you will need to create a new rental contract.

  6. Click 'Opret 1 lejemål' (create 1 rentable

Your rental contract is now created, and you can start filling it out. 


Fill out the rental contract

Below, you will find a complete walkthrough of each step in the rental contract builder.

In some sections, you'll see a dash followed by a paragraph marked with the symbol '§'. This shows where the information will appear when inserted into Typeformular A10.

At any point during the process, you can click 'Se lejekontrakt (PDF)' (view rental contract) to see how the entered information appears in the form.


1. Generelt (general)

In the first step of the rental contract builder, you need to provide the basic information about the rental and the property itself. 

Indflytningsdato - §2 (move-in date)

Here, you provide the date when the tenant receives the keys and can move into the property.

Typically, the move-in date is either the 1st or the 15th of the month.

Note that if you choose a move-in date other than the 1st, the rental contract builder will automatically calculate how much the tenant should pay for the first month's rent.


Fremleje - §1 (subletting)

The field 'Fremleje' (subletting) is marked if you are the tenant of the property. This applies whether you want to sublet the entire property or just a room.

If you are unsure whether you have the right to sublet all or part of your rented property, you can find the subletting rules in the Rent Act (in Danish) or seek legal advice.


 Tidsbegrænset lejeperiode - § 11 (Fixed-term period)

This option is marked if you want to rent out the property for a specific period. When the box is checked, you will have the opportunity to specify when the rental agreement will end.  


Please note that as a landlord, you must have a valid reason to make the rental agreement fixed-term.

The rental contract builder will automatically insert a standard clause in the contract's 'Særlige vilkår (§11)' (special terms).

Be aware that as a landlord, you must have a justified reason to make the rental agreement fixed-term. 

The rental contract builder will automatically insert a standard clause in the contract's 'Særlige vilkår (§11)' (special terms) 

Remember to review the standard clause and add the correct end date along with your personal justification for the fixed-term agreement.

You can edit the standard clause by clicking on 'Gå til særlige vilkår' (go to special terms) in the blue info box or by selecting 'Særlige vilkår (§11)' (special terms) on the left side of the rental contract builder.


Boligtype - §1 (property type)

If you're unsure which property type to choose, you can refer to the property's BBR (Building and Housing Register) information.

You can either look up the property in the Building and Housing Register (BBR) yourself, or you can use the information that the digital rental contract automatically retrieves from BBR when the rental address is entered.

If you're uncertain about how to fill out the rental contract when subletting or renting out a room, you can read more in this guide.


Antal værelser - §1 (number of rooms)

Here, you enter the number of living spaces in the rental. A living space includes, for example, a bedroom, room, or living room.


Areal - §1 (area)

Enter the rental's living area. It is important to provide the correct area as stated in the BBR.

If you're unsure about the exact area, you can check the property's BBR information.


Areal til erhverv - §1 (area for commercial use)

This field should be filled out if you are renting out a commercial property or a so-called "mixed-use property" where there is both residential and commercial space.

The areas for commercial and residential use should be separated in the rental contract, so in this field, you should only enter the area being rented for commercial purposes.


2. Husleje (rent)

In this step, you need to specify the rent for the rental, excluding utilities.

You also need to indicate whether the rental is subject to the rules on free rent and whether the rent should be adjusted according to the net price index.


Månedlig husleje -§3 (monthly rent)

When setting the rent, consider the following:

  • The location of the property
  • The year the property was built
  • Whether you should set the rent based on the rental value (det lejedes værdi), market rent (markedslejen), or cost-determined rent (omkostningsbestemt leje).

Are you unsure about what rent you can charge? Read more about setting the rent (in Danish)


Lejeregulering - §11 (rent adjustment)

The net price index reflects the development of consumer prices in Denmark. An annual rent adjustment based on the net price index ensures that the rent aligns with the general price trends in society.

For example, if the net price index has increased by 0.5 percent, you can also raise the rent by 0.5 percent.

If you choose rent adjustment according to the net price index, the digital rental contract will automatically insert a standard clause under 'Særlige vilkår (§11)' (special terms).


3. Forbrug - §3 and §5 (utilities)

When specifying in the rental contract how electricity, water, and heating consumption will be settled, you have several options:

Varme og varmt vand - §5 (heating and hot water)

  • A conto til udlejer (a conto to the landlord)
    The a conto amount is a payment for the tenant's expected average consumption. It can be calculated based on previous years' consumption or estimated for the rental property. In this case, the landlord handles the settlement with the utility company, while the tenant makes monthly payments for the expected consumption.

    In the annual utility statement, you reconcile whether the tenant's payments match the actual costs to the utility company.

    A conto is charged monthly along with the rent.

  • Mellem lejer og forsyningsselskab (between tenant and utility company)
    Here, the tenant settles directly with the utility company. This means that only the tenant receives bills for heating and hot water consumption. However, it is most common for the landlord to charge for heating and hot water consumption via a conto.

  • Inkluderet i huslejen (included in the rent)
    According to the Rent Act, heating consumption should generally be separated from the rent. An exception to this is, for example, if you are renting out a room.

    When renting out a room, you can include the consumption in the monthly rent, but be aware that you cannot make any additional claims for consumption afterward.


Vand - §5 (water consumption)

  • A conto til udlejer (a conto to the landlord)
    The a conto amount is the estimated average monthly water consumption. Once a year, as the landlord, you prepare a utility statement that shows whether the tenant has used more or less than the a conto amount. Any excess or shortfall in payment for consumption can then be settled based on this statement.

  • Mellem lejer og forsyningsselskab (between tenant and utility company)
    Here, the tenant is responsible for arranging water supply to the rental property. If water consumption is settled in this way, as the landlord, you will not be involved in the consumption. However, it is more common to charge for water consumption through an a conto arrangement.
  • Inkluderet i huslejen (included in the rent)
    Water consumption can be included in the rent if there is no separate water meter for the rental property. It is important to note that as the landlord, you cannot charge for water consumption beyond the amount already included in the rent.


Tilmeld lejer til el - §5 (register tenant for electricity

In the section of the rental contract builder regarding electricity billing, you will see a selection of electricity suppliers. These are suppliers to which you can automatically and digitally register your tenant at the same time as creating the rental contract.

The advantage of handling the electricity registration directly in the rental contract builder is that you ensure the tenant is properly registered for electricity. Normally, the tenant is responsible for registering with an electricity supplier, but if they fail to do so, any unpaid electricity bills will become the landlord's responsibility.

Read more in the guide about registering the tenant for electricity through BoligPortal.

You have the following options for electricity billing:

  • 'Mellem lejer og forsyningsselskab' (between tenant and utility company)
    Here, electricity billing will occur between the tenant and the electricity supplier. This is the most common billing method for electricity. 

    You can register your tenant for an electricity agreement by clicking on the desired electricity provider. Click 'Læs mere' (read more) to learn about each provider.

    If you do not want to register the tenant for electricity through the digital rental contract, click on 'Vis andre muligheder' (show other options), then scroll to the bottom of the list and click on 'Lejer er selv ansvarlig for at tilmelde sig el' (tenant is responsible for registering for electricity). See how in the video below.


  • 'A conto til udlejer' (aconto to the landlord)
    A conto electricity is the estimated average monthly consumption. However, it is most common for electricity consumption to be handled directly between the tenant and the utility company.

  • 'Inkluderet i huslejen' (included in the rent)
    You can choose to include the monthly electricity payment in the rent. However, be aware that you cannot issue additional charges for electricity if the consumption is included in the rent. You have this option if, for example, you choose to handle electricity billing via a conto.


Andre faste månedlige bidrag - §6 (other fixed monthly contributions)

In this section, you can enter additional fixed monthly contributions, such as fees for TV, internet, or an existing tenants' association (beboerrepræsentation).

The tenants' association may decide to collect a monthly fee from each tenant to fund its activities within the property.


4. Betalinger før indflytning - §4 (payments before move-in)

In this step, enter the amounts the tenant must pay when taking over the rental. As a landlord, you are entitled to collect both a deposit and prepaid rent.

Please note that if you choose different payment dates for the deposit and prepaid rent, the amounts will appear in different sections of the payment overview in the PDF version of the rental contract.
Read more about the payment overview in the final rental contract.


Depositum (deposit)

The deposit is the landlord's security to cover any potential repairs when the tenant moves out.

As a landlord, you can charge a maximum deposit of three months' rent (excluding utilities).

However, it is entirely up to you as the landlord whether you want to charge one, two, or three months' rent as a deposit. 


Forudbetalt leje (prepaid rent)

As a landlord, you can require up to three months' rent as prepaid rent.

Prepaid rent covers the payment for the final months of the rental period. It serves as the landlord's security to ensure that rent is paid even if the tenant has given notice to terminate the lease.

For example, if the prepaid rent equals three months' rent, this amount can cover the rent for the last three months the tenant lives in the rental.


Første måneds husleje (first month's rent)

Typically, the first month's rent will be charged along with the prepaid rent before the tenant moves in.

If the move-in date is not on the 1st of the month, the digital rental contract will automatically calculate the amount for the first month's rent.

If the rent is 4,000 kroner per month and the move-in date is May 15th, the rent amount will automatically be adjusted so that the tenant only pays for the period from May 15th to May 31st.

If you prefer not to use the automatically calculated amount, you can also click 'Brug eget beløb' (use custom amount) and then enter the desired rent amount.


Learn more about adjusting rent and other payments when the move-in date isn’t on the 1st of the month.


5. Adgang, vedligehold og inventar (access, maintenance and inventory)

In this step of the rental contract builder, you can provide details on how the tenant may use the rental property and how it should be maintained and inspected upon move-out.

It's especially important that you accurately complete the sections on inspections and maintenance responsibilities, as there are specific legal requirements in these areas. Learn more about them below.


Specify the Rental Property's Inventory and Access (§1 and §9)

Be as precise as possible when completing this section. Clear information about which facilities the tenant may use and which items belong to you as the landlord can help prevent conflicts during the rental period.

Keep in mind that the tenant gains the right to access and use what you specify in the rental contract.


Angiv lejemålets inventar, og hvad der er adgang til - §1 og §9
(specify the rental property's inventory and access)

Be as precise as possible when filling out this section. Clear communication about which facilities the tenant may use and which items belong to you as the landlord can help prevent conflicts during the rental period.

Keep in mind that the tenant has the right to access and use anything you specify in the rental contract.


Detaljer om syn og vedligeholdelse (details on inspections and maintenance

Udlejer udlejeren mere end ét beboelseslejemål? - §7
(Does the landlord rent out more than one residential property?)

If you rent out more than one residential property, you are considered a professional landlord according to the Rent Act.

This means that you are required to conduct a move-in inspection when the tenant takes possession of the rental property, as well as a move-out inspection when the rental period ends.


Afholdes der indflytningssyn i lejemålet? - §7 (will a move-in inspection be conducted?)

Indicate in the rental contract whether you plan to conduct a move-in inspection.

Landlords who rent out two or more properties are required by the Rent Act to hold a move-in inspection, during which the condition of the rental property is documented. It is also the landlord's responsibility to arrange the move-out inspection.

For private landlords with only one rental property, holding a move-in inspection is optional.

Even if you are not required to conduct a move-in inspection, it is highly recommended. The inspection serves as an alignment of expectations between tenant and landlord, and it can be the foundation for a good working relationship.
Read more about conducting move-out inspections here.

The tenant is not obligated to be present at the move-in inspection, but it is recommended that all parties attend.

By entering 'Synsdato' (the inspection date) and 'Klokkeslæt' (time) for the move-in inspection, the tenant will automatically receive an SMS reminder to attend. Additionally, the chosen time will be added to the rental contract's 'Særlige vilkår (§11)' (special terms).


A tip for the inspection

When it’s time to conduct the move-in or move-out inspection, you can use BoligPortal’s free digital inspection tool.


Afholdes der fraflytningssyn? - §7 (is an inspection conducted at move-out?)

Indicate in the rental contract whether you will conduct an inspection when the tenant vacates the rental property.

If you rent out more than one property, you are obligated by rental law to conduct a move-out inspection.

If you rent out only one property, it is optional whether you want to conduct a move-out inspection.

Please note that if you are required to conduct a move-out inspection, it is crucial for your right to claim payment for repairs on a vacated rental property.

If the move-out inspection is not conducted within 14 days after the tenant has moved out, the landlord loses the right to claim payment for repairs to the rental property.


Read all the rules about inspections

You can read the rules for inspections in the Ministry of Housing's guidelines on move-in and move-out inspections (in Danish)


Ansvar for indvendig vedligeholdelse? - §8 (responsibility for interior maintenance?)

Choose whether it is the tenant or the landlord who will be responsible for necessary painting, wallpapering, and floor varnishing during the rental period.

If you choose the tenant as responsible, they must decide when to paint, wallpaper, and varnish the floors as needed during the rental periode. 

If you choose the landlord as responsible for interior maintenance, you, as the landlord, must ensure that painting, wallpapering, and floor varnishing are carried out as often as needed.

According to rental law, a maintenance account must be established, where an amount is deposited each month for maintenance. The digital rental contract will automatically prompt you to enter the 'Amount in the account for interior maintenance'.


Benyttelse (usage)

Rygning tilladt? - §11 (smoking allowed?)

You ust actively check the box to allow smoking in your rental property. 

If you leave the box unchecked and use BoligPortal's §11, a standard clause will be inserted into the rental contract stating that the property is smoke-free. 

Husdyr - §10 and possibly §11 (pets)

  • 'Ja, husdyr tilladt' (yes, pets allowed)
    You grant full permission to keep pets in the rental property. 
  • 'Nej, ingen husdyr tilladt' (no, pets not allowed)

    This applies to all types of pets—fish, rodents, cats, dogs, etc.
    In addition to being listed under §10 in the final rental contract, a lawyer-approved standard clause will be inserted in BoligPortal's §11, stating that the tenant is completely prohibited from keeping pets. You can edit this clause yourself in the contract builder's 'Særlige vilkår' (§11)' (special terms) section.

  • 'Dispensation til bestemte husdyr' (exception for certain pets)

    If you choose this option, the pets section in the final rental contract will appear as follows:     

    At the same time, a lawyer-approved standard clause will be inserted in BoligPortal's §11, stating that the tenant must obtain written permission from the landlord to keep pets.

    You can modify the standard clause yourself in the contract builder's section 'Særlige vilkår' (special terms) — for example, if you want to specify which types of pets are allowed.


6. Bilag og øvrige (attachments and others)

Energimærke (energy label)

BoligPortal retrieves the property's energy information from the Danish Energy Agency. The energy label report will be included as an attachment in the final rental contract.

There is a requirement for energy labeling for all properties over 60 m2, including rental properties. As a landlord, you must provide the energy label to the tenant before the rental agreement takes effect.
Read more about energy labeling at the Danish Energy Agency (in Danish).


Jordforureningsattest (soil contamination certificate)

The tenant has the right to know if the rented property is located on contaminated land. 

In the rental contract, you can obtain a soil contamination certificate from the Geodata Agency, which will indicate if the rental property is located on contaminated land.

Please note that a soil contamination certificate will only be retrieved if the address is on contaminated land. If no contamination is registered at the address, a box with the text 'Jordforureningsattest ikke fundet' (soil contamination certificate not found) will be displayed on your screen.


Husorden - §10 (house rules)

The house rules describe the common guidelines for all tenants in the property.
When the house rules are attached to the rental contract, the tenant accepts them by signing the contract. The house rules will be included as a separate attachment to the final rental contract.

You can use BoligPortal's approved standard house rules, attach your own house rules, or choose not to include any house rules.

Review BoligPortal's standard house rules by clicking on the file 'Husorden.pdf' under 'Bilagsoversigt' (attachment overview).


Andre bilag (other attachments)

Attach the desired documents in PDF format. 

Other attachments could include, for example: 

  • A payment slip for direct debit if you have chosen direct debit as the payment method.
  • An inventory list describing the rental property's contents.
  • A description of furniture and other items in a furnished rental property.


Øvrige oplysninger om lejemålet - §10 (additional information about the rental property)

In the text field, you can describe included furnishings (as mentioned in the 'Adgang, vedligehold og inventar' (access, maintenance, and inventory)) or furniture. Note that the text box has a character limit.

If you need to write more than the text box allows, you can instead write the text in a document, save it as a PDF file, and attach it under 'Andre bilag' (other attachments).


Interne informationer (internal information)

Option to enter a rental unit number.
If you fill in the field, the rental unit number will appear at the top of the first page of the final rental contract.


7. Særlige vilkår  - §11 (special terms)

In the rental contract's section on special terms, you have the opportunity to elaborate on the contract or describe conditions that deviate from the standard provisions of the rental contract.

The digital rental contract allows you to choose from several lawyer-approved texts for your §11.


'Benyt BoligPortals §11' (use BoligPortal's §11)

During the completion of steps 1-6 in the contract builder, your choices may have already led to automatic additions to §11. This applies, for example, if you have specified that the tenant is not allowed to keep pets or smoke in the rental property.

It is important that you review all automatically added terms to ensure the text is appropriate for your specific rental property.

You have the following options for editing and customizing the standard terms:

  • Rearrange the order 

    Click the lines on the left side of each box to move the selected term up or down the list. When a term is relocated, it will be renamed accordingly.

    Example: If a term is moved from the top position to the second position, it will be renamed from '§11, stk. 1' to '§11, stk. 2' ('§11, subsection 1' to '§11, subsection 2'). 

  • Edit the text of a term 
    Click the three vertical dots on the right side and select 'Redigér vilkår' (edit term)

  • Remove a term
    Click the three vertical dots on the right side and select 'Slet vilkår' (delete term)

  • Add a standard term 
    Click '+ Tilføj standardvilkår' (add standard term), and you will see BoligPortal's full list of standard terms.
    Click the term to add it to your rental contract.

  • Add your own term 
    Click '+ Tilføj eget vilkår' (add your own term) to add an empty box where you can create your own term.


Check for the text 'Information mangler' (information missing)

In some cases, a standard term requiring additional information from you will automatically be inserted. The term will be marked with a yellow dot and the text 'Information mangler' (information missing). 

Below, you can see an example of a term where you need to edit the text and add more information.



'Benyt egen §11' (use your own §11)

If you want to use your own special terms, you can click on the tab 'Benyt egen §11' (use your own §11).

If you choose this option, all automatically added standard terms in the digital rental contract will disappear and be replaced by your uploaded terms.

The file must be uploaded as a PDF and will be added to the final rental contract as a separate appendix. Under §11 in the final rental contract, a text referring to the appendix will be included, as shown below.


8. Udlejer (landlord)

In this step, you need to enter the contact information for the landlord of the property.

You have the option to specify up to two landlords for the property. Click '+ Tilføj udlejer' (add landlord) to fill in the contact information for an additional landlord.

The landlord's information will appear on the first page of the final rental contract, under §1. Ensure that all contact information is correct so the tenant can contact you during the rental period.

CVR nummer (CVR number)

As a landlord, you are not required to have a CVR number, and you can proceed without entering it.

9. Lejer (tenant)

You can add as many tenants as needed by clicking 'Tilføj lejer' (add tenant). The form has space for details of two tenants, and any additional tenants will be attached in a document as an appendix.

Lejer har ikke dansk adresse (the tenant does not have a Danish address)

You can still enter the tenant's address, even if the tenant has a foreign address.

When you click 'Lejer har ikke dansk adresse' (the tenant does not have a Danish address), the address fields are no longer restricted to the Danish format, and you will also have the option to enter the country where the tenant resides.

Lejer er en virksomhed (the tenant is a company)

If you click the box 'Lejer er en virksomhed' (tenant is a company), you will have the option to enter the tenant's CVR number. 

Lejers CPR-nummer (tenant's CPR number)

Only fill in the box 'CPR nummer' (CPR number) if you need to register the tenant with a utility company, for example, for automatic enrollment in an electricity agreement.

Read more in the guide's section on filling out 'Forbrug' (consumption)

It is not required to fill in the CPR number field for automatic registration with a utility company. If you leave the field blank, the tenant will instead be asked to provide their CPR number when receiving the rental contract.


10. Gennemse og færdiggør (review and finalize)

Lejeforhold (rental details)

Here, you can view the rental property's address, the move-in date, as well as the tenant's name and contact information.

If you want to edit the tenant's information, go to the 'Lejer' (tenant) step in the contract builder on the left side.

It is not possible to edit the rental property's address once the digital rental contract has been created.

However, if you discover an error in the property's address at this stage, you don't need to create an entirely new rental contract. Instead, you can duplicate the contract, which will allow you to re-enter the address.
Read the guide on how to copy a rental contract.

Betalingsoversigt (payment overview)

The overview provides a quick summary of the total payments the tenant needs to transfer to you as the landlord.

If you want to make changes to the amounts, go to the step 'Betalinger før indflytning' (payments before move-in) in the contract builder.

Bilag (attachments)

View all attachments that will be included with the final rental contract. You can review them as PDF files by clicking on the file name.

Underskrift af lejekontrakt og bilag (signing the rental contract and attachments

Underskriftmetode (signature method)

The rental contract must be signed digitally using either a computer, tablet, or smartphone. Choose whether the rental contract will be signed with MitID or with an e-signature via the screen.

Regardless of the signature method you choose, the tenant will receive an SMS and/or an email with a link to review and sign the rental contract.
Below, you can see an example of the message sent to the tenant.


It is not possible to print the rental contract for a paper signature, as the contract will have a watermark when not signed digitally.

Click here to read the guide on printing the digitally completed rental contract.

If the tenant does not have MitID, select 'Uden digital signatur (skriv under på skærmen)' (without digital signature (sign on screen)).

Read more in our guide on signing the rental contract without MitID.

Underskriftsrækkefølge (signature order)

Select either 'Udlejer skal underskrive til sidst' (landlord signs last) or 'Alle parter kan underskrive, når de vil' (all parties can sign at any time). 

No matter which order you choose, you will automatically receive an email notification once the tenant has signed the rental contract.

Antal dage til at underskrive for lejer (number of days for the tenant to sign)

Select the number of days the signature request will be valid. You can choose between 1 and 20 days. As a landlord, you always have 30 days to sign the contract.

If either the tenant or the landlord does not sign within the specified timeframe, all parties will receive an email notification that the signature request has been canceled.

Tilføj besked til lejer (add a message to the tenant)

Write a message that will be sent to the tenant's email along with the request to review and sign the rental contract.

Tip: Add your logo and company signature to the contract 

You can personalize the rental contract by adding your logo and signature to the final document. This enhances your brand and emphasizes who is issuing the contract.

Click here to learn how to do it.


Efter underskrift (after signing)

Kopimodtagere (copy recipients)

By clicking on '+ Tilføj kopimodtager' (add copy recipient) you can add up to five email addresses to receive a copy of the finalized, signed rental contract.

The landlord and tenant will automatically receive the signed rental contract via email, so you only need to add copy recipients if there are other individuals besides the tenant and landlord who should receive the contract.

'Send til underskrift' - §12 (send for signature)

Once you have checked that all information is entered correctly and have optionally reviewed how the rental contract looks as a PDF, you are ready to send it out.

With a click on the blue button labeled 'Send til underskrift' (send for signature), the tenant will immediately receive an email with a link to sign the rental contract.

Please note that once all parties have signed the rental contract, it can no longer be edited. If the contract is missing one or more signatures, you as the landlord still have the option to revoke the contract and make corrections.

Read more in our guide on editing a sent rental contract.


Need help?

If you have any questions about BoligPortal's digital contract builder, you are always welcome to contact our customer service, which is ready to assist you every day of the year between 9 AM and 9 PM.

Click here to contact BoligPortal's customer service. 






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