Note: This is an article about BoligPortal's free service for creating and managing rental contracts, which is currently available in Danish. Therefore, images and some phrasing in this guide may appear in Danish. If you have any questions or need assistance with your rental contracts, you're always welcome to contact BoligPortal's Customer Service.
It is not possible to separate the payment of prepaid rent and the frist month's rent in the rental contract. We recommend that the payments before moving in will split into:
- Deposit, which is paid immediately after signing.
- All other payments, which are paid before moving in.
It is possible to choose the date for the payments under the menu item 'Betalinger før indflytning'.
The date for payment of deposit is entered under 'Depositum'.
Then, a date is entered for a combined payment of the remaining payments in the form of 'Forudbetalt leje, engangsudgifter og første måneds husleje'.
It is up to you as the landlord to decide whether the payment of the deposit and other payments should be made on the same date or on two different dates.
Please be aware that choosing different dates for the two types of payments will affect the setup of the payment schedule in the finalized rental contract document.
Read more in this guide.