How do I choose the right rental period for leasing?

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As a rule, a property is rented out for an unlimited rental period. In special cases where the landlord has a valid reason, the rental period can be limited.

When creating a free listing on BoligPortal, under the 'Rental period' section, you have the option to choose between the following:

  • Unlimited: Applies to most rental properties - the lease lasts until the tenant terminates it

  • 24+ months: For limited-term rental with a valid reason or sublease for 2 years

  • 12-23 months: For limited-term rental with a valid reason or sublease

  • 1-11 months: For limited-term rental with a valid reason or sublease.

If you choose a limited rental period or sublease, it is important that you familiarize yourself thoroughly with the rental law regulations in this area.



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If you require legal or financial assistance, you should consult with a qualified lawyer, accountant, or financial advisor.

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