How do I specify in the rental contract that I am renting out a room?

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Note: This is an article about BoligPortal's free service for creating and managing rental contracts, which is currently available in Danish. Therefore, images and some phrasing in this guide may appear in Danish. If you have any questions or need assistance with your rental contracts, you're always welcome to contact BoligPortal's Customer Service.


If you rent or sublet a room, it's important that you specify in the rental contract, that it's a single room. 

Be aware that BoligPortal's digital rental contract automatically retrieves the property's BBR information when you enter the address. If you are only renting out a single room, remember to adjust the automatic information accordingly. 

Below you can see how to create a rental contract for a single room using BoligPortal's free digital rental contract builder. 


  1. Start by creating the lease
    If it's your first time renting out a room at the given address, you need to create the lease.
    Find the section 'Lejekontrakter' in the blue menu on the left. 
    Then select 'Opret lejemål' and enter the address of the property where you want to rent out a room. 

  2. Edit the automatic BBR-information
    When you enter the property's address, the property's BBR information regarding type, area, and number of rooms is automatically retrieved. 

    As you are not renting out the entire property, but only a single room, you should edit the automatically retrieved information. 


  3. Complete the rest of the rental contract
    After clicking 'Opret lejemål' you'll be directed to the rental contract builder. Within the section 'Generelt' you can edit information about the room. 


  4. Review the details in the contract
    Throughout the completion process or once the rental contract is finished, you can view the contract as a PDF file. On the first page of the rental contract under §1, you will find information about the room.
    Discover how to access the rental contract in PDF-format here. 




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