If this is your first time using BoligPortal, you have the option to choose a special introductory subscription period for only 29 Danish kroner, which gives you 24 hours of limited access to BoligPortal's features as a home seeker.
Regardless of whether you have limited or full access, you can always explore our many property listings, save your favorites, and subscribe to BoligAgents to automatically receive notifications when new homes match your preferences.
You get |
Written contact |
Visible Search Profile Be visible as a potential tenant and be found by landlords on BoligPortal |
Access to Your Inbox Read and respond to ongoing conversations with landlords after the subscription expires |
Inbox will be locked if the subscription is canceled within 24 hours |
Phone numbers on Landlords See the landlord's phone number on the ad if provided* |
*It's up to each individual landlord whether they want to be contacted by phone, which is why phone numbers are only available on ads where the landlord has provided it.
What does limited access mean?
Limited access means that for 29 DKK, you get 24-hour access to some of the features included in our full access subscriptions.
While your subscription is active, you have the freedom to contact landlords through BoligPortal's messaging system via the property ads. This allows you to search for as many rental properties as you like and send messages directly to landlords' inboxes.
Additionally, you can create an active search profile. This profile is visible to landlords and makes you available as a potential tenant.
The subscription will automatically renew after 24 hours unless you cancel it
Your access to these features is available as long as your subscription is active. The subscription can be canceled at any time, and it automatically renews after the initial 24 hours, transitioning into a 28-day billing period.
If the subscription is terminated within the 24 hours, your inbox and the ability to communicate with landlords through BoligPortal will be locked the moment the 24 hours have passed.
What does it mean that the inbox is locked after 24 hours if the subscription is canceled?
If you cancel your 24-hour subscription within the 24-hour period, you will no longer have access to your subscription features once the 24 hours have passed. This means that your inbox on BoligPortal will be locked, and you won't have access to it.
In other words, you won't be able to view, save, or respond to old or new messages you may receive after canceling your 24-hour subscription.
Don't worry – everything is saved for the next time you subscribe to BoligPortal
If you cancel your limited subscription within the 24 hours, your messages and conversations in your inbox will be hidden but not deleted.
If you wish to access your inbox again, you can always reactivate your subscription.
After reactivating your subscription, you will have full access to your inbox and can continue where you left off with your housing search and conversations with landlords.
When reactivating your subscription, you can freely choose whether you want a subscription for 4 weeks or 2 months.
When you choose our 24-hour subscription, you will have limited access to BoligPortal for 24 hours from the time you subscribe to the service.
Afterward, the subscription will automatically renew at 349 DKK every 28 days unless you cancel it.
Following the first renewal, you will also automatically gain full access to all of BoligPortal's features for property seekers.
If you only wish to have access for 24 hours, just remember to cancel your subscription before the 24 hours have passed.
You can always see the exact time of the next renewal under 'Subscription' on your profile.
There is no binding on your subscription, so you can cancel it at any time within the active subscription period.
It is not possible to cancel the subscription retroactively.
To access the landlords' phone numbers, it's necessary to have an active subscription with full access – either a subscription at 349 DKK per 28 days or 499 DKK per 62 days.
All subscriptions are non-binding and can, therefore, be canceled at any time within the subscription period.
Note: It's up to the landlords themselves whether they want to have a phone number available in their ad. Therefore, the presence of a phone number varies from one ad to another.
At BoligPortal, we cannot provide landlords' phone numbers unless they have provided it in their ad.
If you wish to gain full access to all of BoligPortal's features for housing seekers – including full access to your conversations with landlords and the ability to obtain phone numbers from ads – simply refrain from canceling your subscription within the first 24 hours.
After that, your subscription will automatically renew every 28 days.
If you have already canceled your subscription, you can easily reactivate it on your profile under 'Subscription' by clicking the 'Reactivate' button.
You can choose between a subscription for 349 DKK every 28 days or 499 DKK every 62 days.
All subscriptions are without commitment and can be canceled at any time within the subscription period.
Yes, all subscriptions on BoligPortal are ongoing subscriptions with automatic renewal. If you've chosen a subscription with 24-hour limited access, your subscription will automatically renew precisely 24 hours after you purchased it.
The time for the next renewal is always available on your profile under 'Subscription.'
If you only want access for 24 hours, simply remember to cancel your subscription before the 24 hours have elapsed.
There is no commitment to your subscription, so you can cancel it at any time within the active subscription period.
You are responsible for canceling your subscription on time, and it is not possible to cancel the subscription retroactively.
Your subscription is correctly canceled when you receive a confirmation receipt via email.
If you can no longer see your conversations in your inbox, it's because you canceled your subscription within the 24 hours.
Your subscription was not renewed, which is why your access to the inbox has been locked.
If you want to access your messages again, you can simply reactivate your subscription – either via 'Subscription' on your profile or by clicking 'Contact' on a housing ad – and choose a payment plan for either 4 weeks or 2 months with automatic renewal.
Afterward, you will have full access to your inbox and all other features for housing seekers.
If you have received a new message after your inbox was locked, you just need to reactivate your subscription or purchase a new one. Once the payment goes through, you will have full access to your inbox again.
It's only possible to purchase a 24-hour subscription once.
To increase your chances of quickly and effectively finding a rental property and being selected as a tenant through BoligPortal, we recommend that you prepare your property search and put effort into your applications.
We have gathered a set of tips for a good and efficient property search here.
If you have any further questions or need assistance as a housing seeker on BoligPortal, feel free to contact customer service. We're here to help.